Painting Process

Since I happened to take several photos, I decided I would share some of my painting process on these hollyhocks in my art journal. The black and white photo was to check the values. I ended up doing this painting in about 20 (or more– I’m just guessing, but it was a lot) burst painting sessions of a few minutes each. It sat for a while close to the end and I was worried that I didn’t love it. And even when I finished it, I still wasn’t sure. But I let it sit a while, and now it is one of my favorite paintings. What this process has taught me is that if you don’t love a painting, it just isn’t finished yet! And give your paintings time to breathe. Now when I’m working on a canvas, I just set it beside my dresser where I can see it at night and I just stare at it a while. I’ll do that for several nights in a row, strategizing my next moves. Then when I go to paint again I have a decently mapped out approach.

I’m also working on a series right now inspired by this painting. I decided that if I make a painting in my art journal that I love, it will then become a blueprint for some works on canvas. I haven’t decided yet where I would like to show or sell the completed series, but first things first.. get the series painted!

Do you work in series’? How many pieces would you include?

Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate you!

2 thoughts on “Painting Process

  1. You do so great with the flower paintings! What a great idea to recreate the joyrnal paintings into art paintings. I dont usually work in a series other than multiple paintings at once, but there was one series of 5 paintings I started maybe 8 years ago and never finished. They will tell a story.

    Speaking of loving or not loving paintings, I’m pretty sure I ruined some paintings by overworking them. Perhaps I could cover over them, but I don’t know. I cried maybe a couple of months ago because I ruined a portrait, but typically, I’m pretty resilient and just move on. Abstracts are a lot easier for me.


  2. Thank you Cassandra! I know that feeling about overworking paintings! I’m trying to get my painting process much quicker so that I won’t be so precious about adding the final details. I really like the self portrait you did, would love to see more portraits! 🙂


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